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2024 Summer Camp Registration (half day camps)


This registration form is for half-day camp weeks (8am drop off, 2pm pick up).

Half-day camps are $350 per week per child/grandchild, $325 for each additional child/grandchild from the same family.

For full day camp weeks please see here.

More details on each week's programming are here.
Please note that these camps often fill to capacity and to ensure access for all who wish to participate there is a strict cancellation policy. A full refund is available when cancelling with 14+ days notice, there is a 50% refund with 13 days to 24 hours notice, and there no refund with less than 24 hours notice. Thank you for your understanding.

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I give permission for my child to participate in camp activities, both on and off The Club at Glenmore (the “Club”) property, with the understanding that camp activities may involve a certain degree of risk. I understand certain dangers, accidents, and/or injuries may occur. I, on behalf of myself, my personal representatives, heirs, administrators, agents and assigns, and any and all entities or persons claiming rights by or through me, agree to and hereby release and discharge the Club, its officers, employees, agents, affiliates, partners, and insurers, from any and all claims or causes of action, both known and unknown and whether arising out of negligence, tort, contract, warranty, or otherwise which may arise from camp activities, including but not limited to my child’s use of the Club’s facilities and participation in camp activities. I will notify the Club staff in writing of activities in which I do not wish my child to participate. In case of emergency if I, parent, guardian or emergency contact cannot be reached, I consent to emergency medical care and transportation in order to obtain treatment in the event of injury to the participant as the Club may deem appropriate.
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